Thursday, October 19, 2017

#7: Do something crazy to my hair


     Most of what is on my bucket list involves the places I want to go, what I want to experience and the animals I want to play with. But a few on there are about trying something new with myself to see what happens. So this past year I tried a couple of things with my hair to see how it felt to be an evolving unicorn like Lady Gaga. I was lucky enough to have jobs where the color of my hair did not matter. I knew that I would have to get an adult job soon, and they would not be thrilled about rainbow colored hair, so it was my only chance. 

     In December, I died my hair blue and thought it was absolutely amazing. People I never expected to commented on it and it made me feel fantastic. Being in Washington state, I was surrounded by other people with various colors of hair so I felt like I was a part of the cool crowd...finally. Walking into Lush, I was always met with a slew of woman all with flowing mermaid hair. Eventually my blue faded into a light greenish color and I covered it up with a dark brown to try and hide the grow outs. After about a month of this I was antsy again to try something new, because why not?


     So I headed to the store and picked up some dark purple dye and went to work. This was also a winner for me, but seemed to fade pretty quickly. I also tend to be lazy on touch ups so it was partially my fault. After arriving back to the states and getting a real job, I dyed it back auburn to try and not draw too much attention to myself. But who knows, that probably won't last long.

*Two t-shirts were harmed in the making of this blog accomplishment*

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